Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Smallest Frog in the Southern Hemisphere

The Brizilian gold frog

The Brazilian Gold Frog (Brachycephalus didactylus), also known as Izecksohn's Toad, is the smallest frog in the Southern Hemisphere. It was previously called Psyllophryne didactyla.
Adult Brazilian Gold Frogs measure to only 9.8 millimeters (24.7⁄64 inches) in body length. Many have a beautiful golden color, for which they are named.
The smallest frogs of the Northern Hemisphere are the Cuban Eleutherodactylus iberia, which can be two-tenths of a millimeter smaller, and Eleutherodactylus limbatus, of which fully mature adults as small as 8.5 mm have been found.[citation needed]

A relative comparison of some of the world's smallest frogs.

And I never forget extra pictures!

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