Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Some resources for those in recovery...

I know a lot of you out there are struggling with depression, and I'm here to help. :)

Interactive Websites:
  • MoodGym - Learn cognitive behavior and coping skills to help recover from depression
  • Facing Us - an online home for anyone seeking inspiration and support for a life of health and well-being.
  • Moodscope - Measure your mood throughout the day, every day, to see what gets to you, and understand yourself!
  • The Quiet Place - A place of relaxation.. 

  • Here is a list of chatrooms that cover all sorts of disorders and topics to discuss.
  • 7 Cups of Tea (online chat service)




Eating Disorders:

Sexual Abuse:

Self Harm:

  • Follow this tumblr blog to remember to take your medication! http://didyoutakeyourmedstoday.tumblr.com/

Self-Help Worksheets

I hope this helps!!

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